Bholu 14
Location: Sabarmati, Ahmedabad
Completed: 2017
TAP Volunteers: Janelle Campbell, Lorenzo Mauloni, Harshil Parekh, Shailaja Patel
CHHAT Volunteers: Ankit Pokar, Dhruvil Mistry, Jayant Sorathia, Mohit Mishra, Rahul Patel, Sapan Hirpara, Vishal Goswami
The bamboo design and structure of Bholu 14 was developed and constructed in collaboration with CHHAT Foundation (Centre for Human Habitats and Alternative Technologies); a student initiative of the Vadodara Design Academy (Gujarat) who specialise in bamboo design and construction.
Bholu 14 was located on a site that had been previously used as a dumping ground for the community which resulted in difficult soil conditions to build on. Due to these conditions, it was decided to use lightweight construction. This was not only a structurally logical approach, but also allowed for the structure to be dismantled and re-used elsewhere in the event the site would be reclaimed by the government in years to come. Bamboo was the primary construction material used in the building, for its sustainability and as it is a readily available material within Ahmedabad.